Lack of content 1 Mar 23

Lack of content 1 Mar 23

I was about to write that today lacked content. Then I looked down my Bullet Journal.
I have downloaded three Paloma Faith albums since yesterday and am well impressed. She is an addition to my liking of soulful women, such as Amy Winehouse, Dua Lipa, and Adele. I will listen to the tracks and come to a conclusion about favourites.
My decluttering ambition was aided today by scanning more months of entries from my Covey 2000 diary/planner. The primary text was detail of day to day work in Customer Services Water Quality, and Duty Operational Scientist. Here and there are slices of family life. When we visited Annie, or where I was visiting Sid in hospital, or holidays.
It is remarkable that the work entries have crowded out family life. Unless I wrote that somewhere else. Happily, my review has identified when various trips happened. Rheims and Cuba, for example. Also notes of study and the deadlines for TMA assignments.
I read more of John Sweeney’s Killer in the Kremlin. Horrific, and a testament to the corrupt and fascist nature of Vladimir Putin. Sweeney has interviewed Chechen citizens who were victims of Putin’s war crimes, the targeting of villagers fleeing their destroyed homes with white flags, only to be attacked with artillery and helicopters with ‘vacuum bombs’.
There was an afternoon nap that was made uncomfortable by my inability to keep warm. This was not due to the ambient temperature, but my lack of lunch as a gesture of Lenten fasting. Needed a mug of tea to warm up.
I learned from a YouTube video that I can access to top menu in OSX apps via the shortcut Fn-M. Remarkable, and an important keystroke in my desire to go mouse free.
I really should use today to review what I achieved in February, and identify what contributed to my stated goals. Off the top of my head, at least I can add writing to my achievements. I am tracking that in the BuJo, but not with its own collection as yet.


This is where I aim to publish what I think worth sharing

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